Family Transition Place is known for being a leader in the field of healthy relationship education. In addition to community education initiatives, our extremely popular Youth Education programs in the schools are helping to build healthy communities, one classroom at a time.
Through the support of the Brampton-Caledon Foundation and the Alliance 150 matching program, Family Transition Place was able to deliver 17 programs in two Caledon schools reaching a total of 335 students. The following is a breakdown of statistical reporting by programs:
BreakThru (Boys only) – 1 program 8 students
- Healthy relationships increased by 7.5%
- Self Esteem (using Rochester Youth Development Study survey questions) increased by 2.6%
- Caring (using Modified Aggression Behavioural Survey questions) increased by 16.6%
I Am (co-ed)- 12 programs 257 students
- Healthy relationships increased by 14.0%
- Self Esteem (using Rochester Youth Development Study survey questions) increased by 2.0%
- Hope (using Modified Aggression Behavioural Survey questions) increased by 2.9%
I’m Girl (girls only) – 4 students chose to fill out the survey out of 10 participants
- Healthy relationships increased by 42.4%
- Self Esteem (using Rochester Youth Development Study survey questions) increased by 16.6%
- Caring (using The Children’s Hope Scale questions) increased by 18.0%
Power (co-ed) – 3 programs 66 students
- Self-Efficacy (using Self-Efficacy- Teen Conflict questions) increased by 10.3%
- Relationships (using Classroom Climate – Student Relationships questions) increased by 8.8%
- Healthy relationships increased by 18.2%
General Summary
- 95% of students agreed “Program staff are respectful, supportive, and welcoming.”
- 95% of students agreed “Overall, I have had a good experience in this program.”
- 90% of students agreed “The information provided to me has been helpful.”
Student responses to question, “What is the most important thing that you learned in this program? Why?” Here are some pretty incredible responses:
- We have learned how to respect each other and connect in healthier ways.
- I feel that sometimes I’m too nice. I have learned how to stand-up for myself and how to be assertive (not mean).
- I really needed to hear the healthy relationship information. It was a good reminder about who I should be spending my time with.
- I now know how to deal with my arguments so they don’t get out of hand!
- I used to fight a lot. Now I know ways to calm down and fix my problems without getting into trouble.
- I learned that I was very passive before. Now I know that I have a voice too. I’m going to use it to speak up more in the future.
- People seem to be more caring now. We all know that people have a lot going on in their lives outside of school.
- I have learned to think ahead and consider the consequences or benefits of my actions.
- This wasn’t like other programs in school. It taught us important things through games, videos and fun. I loved having the program in my class every week.
- I didn’t feel good about myself and how I looked before this program. I feel much better now.
- I learned to be who I am. I have felt embarrassed about being a guy who is into music and not sports. I know now that I’m OK being who I want to be.
- I know how to be in a good relationship and how you need to treat your partner.
- I know now that I don’t need to be a size zero and have flawless skin to be accepted. I just need to learn to accept myself and keep people in my life that accept me too.
- You don’t need to impress others; you just need to impress yourself. Being yourself is the best prize in the world!
- A lot of these programs are boring and preachy. This program was different. It let us talk and give our opinion in a fun and entertaining way. I will remember this program and what I learned because of how it was taught to me.
- I looked forward to this every Wednesday. I wish we had it longer.
- I never realized how much influence society has on the way that I feel about myself. This was an eye opening experience for me.
- This was the confidence boost that I needed right now. Thank-you!!