The Linden Singers of Victoria is an auditioned mixed voice community choir with approximately50 members. The choir is currently under the direction of Brian Wismath and is in its 36th season.It has participated in international music festivals locally, nationally and internationally andreaches 800-900 people in any one season largely from CRD communities.Linden values used as guidance include music excellence with diversity of style and subjectmatter, continuous learning, camaraderie, inclusiveness, respect, collaboration and accountability.The repertoire supports and showcases Canadian music. Linden regularly commissions works byCanadian composers – most recently – David Archer, a Victoria native; Georgina Craig, a Victoriabased composer; as well as Jeff Enns, another Canadian composer.Collaborating with Victoria based performers by including local musicians and youth asaccompanists, soloists and guest artists supports continued growth in the arts, feeding our localorganizations, and upholding one of Linden’s constitutional purposes.

Susan Kennedy
250 595 7473