The Mothers Matter Centre is a virtual, national consortium of organizations dedicated to serving socially isolated and low economic status mothers and their families using our proven mother-to-mother approach. We grow and sustain our flagship Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) program and develop other program innovations such as housing assistance, job-skills training, literacy and language training, healthcare, and more.

The mothers we support come from all walks of life — refugee, newcomer, Aboriginal and other at-risk mothers are regularly involved in our programs.

Due to language, cultural, economic and/or education barriers, many mothers are socially isolated with little confidence to participate in their communities and their children’s education.

Our programs are designed to meet the unique needs of these mothers.

We work with isolated mothers where they live – at home – connecting them with other mothers in their communities who share an intimate awareness of the issues and challenges they face.

Since our inception, the Mothers Matter Centre has transformed over 40,000 lives. We helped more than 14,000 mothers gain new skills and abilities essential to strengthening mother-child relationships. This means their children and families were better prepared to get the most from their early school experiences.



Natasha Jeffreys
Manager of Research and Advocacy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Gender Equality
Health and Well-Being
Partnerships for the Goals
Quality Education
Reduced Inequalities