As the primary Canadian source of information on HIV/AIDS and development, ICAD enables Canada to become one of the most effective and influential nations in contributing to the global response to the HIV and AIDS pandemic.

The Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development (ICAD) is a registered Canadian charity based in Ottawa, Ontario representing a large coalition of over 100 Canadian HIV and AIDS organizations, international development non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, labour unions, and individuals. ICAD was founded in 1989 as a working group of the Canadian Council for International Cooperation (CCIC) with the mandate to bring together AIDS service organizations and international development organizations to address the HIV crisis at home and abroad.

ICAD helps Canadians contribute to international HIV work and encourages Canadian organizations to use the lessons learned from the global response that ICAD makes available, to improve prevention, care, treatment, and support services across diverse settings in Canada. ICAD provides leadership in reducing the global and domestic impact of the HIV and AIDS epidemic through improving public policy, providing information and analysis, and sharing lessons learned.

Robin Montgomery
Executive Director
Gender Equality
Health and Well-Being
No Poverty
Partnerships for the Goals
Quality Education
Reduced Inequalities
Zero Hunger