Healthy Minds Canada (HMC) is a national charity in the mental health and addictions space. Since 1980, HMC has funded 400 research projects at 42 universities and teaching hospitals across Canada. HMC has reached over a hundred thousand people through knowledge transfer initiatives such as workshops, symposia, conferences, printed and online resources and hundreds of thousands more through social media.

Our programs include: Taking Charge, a full day conference designed to empower people to own their mental health recovery and assist those who care for them; Lunch & Learns, a series of free community discussions on a variety of mental illness and addictions; ACT! an activity based program for youth; Bend & Unwind, a youth Yoga and Mindfulness program; and Bright Future, a one day conference regarding recovery from mental illness and addictions.

HMC’s three volume handbook series” When Something’s Wrong” is designed to assist teachers, families, and employers in identifying and managing mental health and addictions issues within their respective environments. We have adapted the content from the “Ideas for Families” version as the base for, our new online tool for parents.

We are also able to offer access to FeelingBetterNow®, an online collaborative mental healthcare program designed to help individuals identify emotional and mental health issues as early as possible.

Other initiatives include the development of apps, collaboration with wearable technology companies to complement the subject matter in the WSW handbooks and to instill empathy and mindfulness about all areas of mental wellness, and 1001 Ways to Wonder, a YouTube series in partnership with filmmaker Bryce Sage that explores the science behind mental illness and addictions in a fun way.

Katie Robinette
Executive Director