The Dream Catchers looks at our country, our past and our future through the lens of the dreams of the next generation of Canadians. Confederation Centre of the Arts will send a creative team to tour Canada, working with young people in each province and territory to explore their dreams for the future, with a focus toward the environment, justice and reconciliation. The youth will work with indigenous artists to learn about the significance of the traditional dreamcatcher, and other dream traditions across the country, as well as creating their own small dreamcatchers that will be collected and used in the creation of a giant national dreamcatcher. Inspired by the dreams of Canada’s youth, professional performing artists from each province and territory will create original works, which will be combined into a high-energy, one hour show to be performed in Charlottetown and across the country, featuring an expanded Confederation Centre Young Company, interpreting through music and dance the ambitions, hopes and dreams of Canada’s next generation.

Christian Gallant
Social Media Content Coordinator