+Positive Voice is an innovative program in London, Ontario that supports the development of +positive narratives and +positive community connections by urban Aboriginal women, 18 years and older, who are experiencing a transition to employment or education.

The programming takes place Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm. Participants are provided with a digital camera, SD card, SD card reader, and camera case to use during the program and to keep upon program completion. Participants are also provided with a photobook, prints, and postcards of their creations.

Program participants learn more about social and digital media, photography and writing positive narratives through hands-on experience and through interacting with guest speakers and artists. In addition, we hosted government representatives from the city, provincial, and national levels. The content created by our participants is shared through Instagram,Twitter and Facebook. The entire process is participant driven and overseen by an advisory committee of Aboriginal women and community practitioners.

To support the sharing of positive portrayals of Aboriginal women with the larger community and to provide networking opportunities for our participants, we organized community art exhibits and displays at community events.

Summer Thorp
Positive Voice Program Coordinator
Gender Equality
Health and Well-Being
No Poverty
Quality Education